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Geneva 2021 files

A Microsoft Powerpoint file trifluralin small scale trials PPT (updated S 0607)
An Adobe Acrobat file trifluralin analytical method
A Microsoft Word file tebuconazole
A Microsoft Powerpoint file small scale study of Matrine
An Adobe Acrobat file small scale study of Matrine
A Microsoft Powerpoint file small scale study of 14-Hydroxylated brassinosteroid
An Adobe Acrobat file small scale study of 14-Hydroxylated brassinosteroid
An Adobe Acrobat file presentation tebuconazole_method_extension_CIPAC494
A Microsoft Powerpoint file presentation slide-Ethephon_HPIC method_for small scale trial
An Adobe Acrobat file chlorpyrifos full scale trials PPT
An Adobe Acrobat file Trifluralin small scale trial report
An Adobe Acrobat file Secretary's report TC 2021
An Adobe Acrobat file Propineb small scale trial report
An Adobe Acrobat file Propineb method
An Adobe Acrobat file Propineb PPT from Limin
An Adobe Acrobat file Minutes TC_2020_by correspondence másolata (2)
An Adobe Acrobat file MATRINE-CIPAC-2021
A Microsoft Powerpoint file Full scale study of 28-homobrassinolide
An Adobe Acrobat file Full scale study of 28-homobrassinolide
A Microsoft Word file Final Report Ametryn CIPAC Ring Trial 2020
An Adobe Acrobat file Document index_TC
An Adobe Acrobat file Chlorpyrifos large scale trials report from China SYRICIT (final)
A Microsoft Word file Chlorpyrifos_HPLC method developed by SYRICIT for CIPAC full scale trial
An Adobe Acrobat file Chlorpyrifos_HPLC method-for CIPAC full scale trial
A Microsoft Powerpoint file CIPAC_Presentation_CGA 344605_Bayer
An Adobe Acrobat file CIPAC_5290R_Report_CGA344605_Bayer
An Adobe Acrobat file CIPAC_5289m_Method_CGA 344605_Bayer
An Adobe Acrobat file CIPAC_5288R_report_tebuconazole-method extension CIPAC_494_Bayer
An Adobe Acrobat file CIPAC MT - Superseded Methods_v1.1_2021-04-30
A Microsoft Word file CIPAC 5265 Ametryn
A Microsoft Powerpoint file Ametryn_CIPAC_5266R
An Adobe Acrobat file 5287m tebuconazole_method_extension_CIPAC494
A Microsoft Word file 5281m-Ethephon_HPIC method_for small scale trial
An Adobe Acrobat file 5281R- Report of Ethephon_HPIC method_for small scale trial
An Adobe Acrobat file 2021_TM 17 Guideline for Shelf Life & Expiry date of CPP_Final
An Adobe Acrobat file 28-Homobrassinolide-CIPAC