The methods which have been evaluated by collaborative tests and accepted as CIPAC Methods are published in regular intervals in CIPAC Handbooks. These Books are named with Roman letters, with Handbook P, being the last published in 2021 and the next planned to appear in the year 2024.
A searchable Cumulative Index is presented underneath, containing the compound (ISO) common name or the name of the physical test designated as MT not allocated to a specific compound and the Handbook with page number where it was published (e.g. a method for determination of cycloxydim, CIPAC Code 510, on page 25 ff of Handbook K).
For your convenience, we have added an "Outline of the Method" on Methods published recently (in Handbooks E to P), giving you a first impression how the method is carried out.
- Cumulative index
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Printed editions
Electronic editions
10 PC license (£ 540.-)
pdf-files from CIPAC Handbook P!
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you need the old CD-ROM Handbooks E to O!
10 PC license (£ 2700.-)
10 PC license (£ 720.-)