The abbreviation CIPAC stands for Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council. 
We are an international, non-profit-oriented and non-governmental organization (see Contact) devoted to: 

- promote the international agreement on methods for the analysis of pesticides and physico-chemical test methods for formulations; 
- promote inter-Iaboratory programmes for the evaluation of test methods. 

The methods are proposed by companies and are tested by laboratories all over the world. After evaluation of the results and adoption, the methods are published in the CIPAC Handbooks (see "CIPAC Methods" and "CIPAC Publication").

CIPAC Meeting 2025

The 2025 CIPAC meeting will be held in Galway, Ireland

Breaking News Handbooks!

New orders of CIPAC publications are currently not possible.

Further information will follow as soon as possible.

For very urgent single methods, please contact

About us

General enquiries about CIPAC and CIPAC work


Your emails are processed and forwarded to the respective CIPAC officers.
They wil answer you directly. Please, allow certain
time to answer your enquiries.

For the CIPAC officers go to Contact.

Presentation of our Chairman about CIPAC at Open Meeting 07 (Umhlanga Rocks) (pdf)

Latest news

Please find attached the information sheet for a full scale colleborative trial on:

  •  365 metalaxyl

Please note: The trial is limited to 20 participating laboratories due to the availability of samples. The selection is based on the application order.

Information Sheet

 Please find attached the information sheet for a full scale colleborative trial on:

  •  817 pyroxasulfone

Please note: The trial is limited to 18 participating laboratories due to the availability of samples. The selection is based on the application order.

Information Sheet

The summary of the decisions taken at the 68th CIPAC meeting are now available.

For more information go here.

Draft CIPAC Guidelines and table for comments (2nd round)

The document is intended to be a "living document" and existing guidelines shall be replaced
This is the reason why not all sections of the document are filled. 
Following amendments can be then 
adopted at CIPAC meetings.

CIPAC would kindly ask you to make your comments, remarks by the
end of october 2024 and send it to
our secretary Laszlo Bura.

New CIPAC guidelines

Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix V
Template MT methods

Table of comment


Bruno Patrian
Bruno PatrianCommunications